Diem Phung Thi (Điềm Phùng Thị) museum in Hue city

Friday, January 18th, 2013 - 12:51 PM

Located at Diem Phung Thi Villa, 1 Phan Boi Chau, Hue City, Phung Thi Museum is opened daily from 7.30am-11am and 2pm-5pm.

Diem Phung Thi (1920-2002), a Vietnamese – French sculptor, returned to Vietnam in 1993, is a member of the prestigious European Academy for Science, Literature and Arts. Her villa, where exhibits 50 artworks shipped from France shortly before her death, 36 works created in Hue after her return to Vietnam and another 60 works, is now a museum dedicating her life and proprietary of Hue City Museum. 

At the time of this press, the local authority is preparing a proposal to upgrade this Phung Thi Museum to attract more visitors, not only local art students. 
